When You Arrive
Upon arrival, please feel free to sit wherever you feel most comfortable. If you have any questions or are unsure of where to go, especially for signing in your children, just ask one of our ‘Connect Team’ (found at the front doors with lanyards on) and they will escort you to our children's check-in.
The Gathering
Our Sunday gatherings are approximately 75 minutes in length, and involve music, prayer, and a message from God's word.
The Music
Singing is one of the primary ways we worship together in community. We sing songs as a response to God’s amazing love for us and out of thanksgiving in our hearts. During the music portion of the gathering, we often give opportunity for people to receive prayer.
Welcome/ GreetinG/ Giving
We transition from music to sharing some highlights/upcoming events in our church. We also will take time to collect for those who wish to partner with our church financially, as we believe in the principle of sharing the resources God has given to us to spread the good news of Jesus with our community and world. If you are visiting, do not feel obligated to give, as we believe this is something primarily for people who call Colwood Church their home.
The Message
At this point, one of our teaching team will deliver a message by reading a portion of Scripture, and discussing how it applies to our life today. The message is often fun, full of great stories, and aims to both encourage and challenge you in your everyday life. You can also listen to previous messages by clicking here.
We believe in families, and we have plenty of options to serve you best.
Infants: We know how unpredictable infants are, and how difficult that can be for parents during the service. We have a mother's room available for you downstairs next to our children's ministry rooms, which has a change table and a TV that features a live stream of our music and teaching so you won't have to miss out on anything happening. The Mother's Room is also located next to the bathrooms.
18 Months to Grade 5
Our children's ministry, 'Colwood Kids', takes place during the entire gathering. You can 'sign-in' your children downstairs before the music begins and our excellent staff will walk you through everything you need to know about our program, as well as answer any questions you might have. Your child's safety is our top priority, and all of our staff are trained to safely look after your children.
If you have any questions, or would like to receive more information about a program that is relevant to you, any member of our 'Connect Team' (near the front door with lanyards on), or if you recognize anyone of our staff team, please introduce yourself, as we’d love to meet you!
We want you to know you are loved today, and we would love to see you soon at Colwood Church!