Colwood Youth
Youth on Wednesdays
Youth on Wednesdays
Middle school - 6:00-7:30
Colwood Mids is a weekly youth gathering open to anyone from grade 6-8. Our mids group is a fun, safe and exciting place for all Middle School students to learn and experience what life to the full (John 10:10) looks like. We have a passion to see young people encounter Jesus and we believe both the event nights, and service nights have an equal role in stewarding this. We would love to see you(r youth) on Wednesday nights.
Highs - 7:30-9:15
Colwood Highs is a weekly youth gathering open to anyone from grade 9-12. We strive to be a community where each student experiences life to to the full (John 10:10) - fun, belonging, and connection. We believe God has a purpose and identity for every youth and ascribes to them an incomparable value. A typical Wednesday night could include games, fun events, worship, a teaching, connect group time, and a great snack! We would love to see you(r youth) on Wednesday nights.
If you are over 18 and you are interested in serving with this ministry, you can connect with our Youth Pastor to find out what your next step would be to joining the team.
If you want to find out more about our Youth ministries, or have any questions, connect with our Youth Pastor and he would love to inform you of how our youth ministries function.
We want to keep parents up to date with what is happening in our with our youth group. If you’d like to be on the email list, as a parent of a either a mids or a highs student, you will receive all the updates for youth involving a monthly calendar, as well as last minute changes. Email Pastor Levi to be put on the parent email list.